Frequently Asked Question

Testing NTCIP on GovComm camera without SunGuide
Last Updated 7 years ago

Attached script can be used to test NTCIP functionality as per FDOT requirements without SunGuide

The script requires snmpget, snmpset and snmpwalk commands. Make sure you have the NTCIP package installed
Please follow the process to test the camera:
1. Open the bat file with Notepad and change the IP ( to the IP of the camera you are testing. (Replace All)
2. Open command prompt.
3. CD into the folder where the script is located.
4. Make sure you have the snmpget, snmpset and snmpwalk commands on your machine. SNMP-net can be downloaded from
5. Open a browser and login to the camera
7. Open Live view
7. Run the script from command line
8. Follow the instructions on the screen and look at the Live view

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